Sunday, January 31, 2010

Guidance for Life Centered Action

EW: Provide more guidance on Life Centered Activities

GMW: Earthwhale thank you for writing. There is Death Centered Activities (associated with dark mystic sciences) and Life Centered Action (associated with living with out man made fear) this can be easily described as fear vs. fearless or ego vs. love.

Human matter is obsessed with controlling outcome that supports man made fear and that supports death centered action. Though spirit consciousness is often a part of human matter thought process is not a part of a pure living practice. Life Centered Action supports and acknowledges loving light as a part of all matter on earth and beyond. When human matters supporting Life Centered Action, all love is collected in a way that cannot engage fear and control.

A tree does not fear, a rock does not fear, whale and dolphin do not fear, cats and dogs that have not been close to man do not fear, 4 legged do not fear, they will protect, they will engage, but they will not use fear as a motivation to live for the future. Where as man continues to engage in Death Centered Actions in order to control outcome for tomorrow. This redundant action ignores sprit guidance, feeds ego and fear and leads toward destruction, because human matter just takes and does not return. It is in the action of returning that spirit light guidance can be experienced in a way to Life Centered Action. Human matter fears death thus operated in Death Centered Action. If the love of life is greater than the fear of death were practiced daily, a huge change, shift would occur, this is apart of our teachings to human matter. Thank you earthwhale with love, purity and grace. Be Life Be Love.

Guidance for Moving through Fear

EW: What Guidance do you provide for moving through fear?

GMW: Thank you for writing, today like everyday there is a new explosion of life centered action. Life centered action manifests when all intellectual functions play a secondary voice to spirit function. In this way we can operate without fear, judgment, anxiety and depression. Thus you can stay in a voice of love.

Since this voice is so powerful when igniting, some religious movements have gained a series of acceptance and have become to be understood as the “chosen path” “the voice of god” however the voice of spirit is often drowned out by the ego driver’s of intellectual voice and this convergent negates all voices in the public eye.

Thus, the pure spirit voice is confused with ego voice and ego voice is confused with spirit voice. Through mindfulness, meditation, fearlessness type practices human matter is capable of living in full bliss of spirit love. Spirit love finds life centered action which allows you to be today without fear and anxiety.

So, this is a fantastic awareness, one of many teachings that you must begin sharing with others.

Guidance on Healing

Guidance on Healing

EW: I am experiencing a lot of feelings of anxiety and panic that are keeping me awake at night, with my heart pounding. It feels like a portal of healing has occurred after a journey with you to a bed of amethyst crystal last Saturday night, what guidance mother whale do you have for healing.

GMW: Sweet earthwhale, we are happy to know that you are changing, feeling, realizing, seeing, grasping, teaching, sharing, reaching, and speaking. The layers of karma often are so thick, they will never budge off human matter, almost like a super glue binding ego to peace, not letting go, just stuck for eons, traveling from one spirit life to the next with another layer, of fear, regret, guilt anger, hopelessness and yet more super glue, till you are no longer able to swim; in the sea of bliss, the current of love, the freedom to know spirit life in pure form.

So, in healing the super glue is removed, it is now time. The remedy is simple, big pure smiles everywhere you look, big pure loving vibration everywhere you hear and feel and big pure love, carefree, humble, and sweet with no sense; except to connect and re-connect as one with everyone.

Your healing journey is long, very long, your brain, will never be able to understand. Your dreams like the ocean have the magnificent memory to go deep, to refresh sooth and replenish all spirit matter daily. When you are connected as one it is simple to see. With the layers of super glue binding fears, human matter may never see.

Thus, healing prayer, spirit guidance can make sense as you allow your inner voice to guide you. Your intense desire to control will evaporate; your fears of insignificant matter will cease to exist.

The dolphin, the whale, the bear, the elephant, the rock the tree, the fire the water the wind will all be guiding you in a language you will understand.

An awakening so deep so profound will move you in a direction that cares deeply, loves deeply.

As your guardian, we are here to protect you from self destruction; our memories will ignite your memories in perfect sequence.

Thank you earthwhale for sharing our guidance.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Guidance for 2010

EW: Today I will share your communication with others, what guidance do you wish to share on this New Year.

GMW: thank you earth whale, today is the beginning of significant change for all human matter, it is change not to be feared but to be welcomes as loving healing light surrounding your every space. This space will provide tremendous growth of your spirit voice that guides you sweetly throughout your path.

It will be a time to see your role and participation in the destroying qualities placed upon our planet by man made fear it is a time to see your habits as a contribution to the depletion of our precious resources, it is a time to remind ourselves of the perfect love and perfect smile each spirit holds in order to harmonize a peaceful and fulfilling relationship with all spirit matter.

It is a time to connect and reconnect with your ancient pod.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

what is significance of the planet order in relationship with you grand mother whale?

GMW: Glad you are back, we ask that you start recording more. Start sharing more and trust that our communications will be always be received with care by those willing to listen.

Earth planet has always been a favorite planet to the whales it provides the perfect environment to manifest meaningful experiences of all living and human matter, when we first arrived to earth our distance to other planets was quite far and we whales could not easily receive each others communications, thus we were on our own, (the ones protecting earth) so for several million years earth was isolated and not connected to the wholeness of our universe. Recent planetary movement is now opening up a lost connection/channel to our ancestors and fellow guardians of planets.. We are now engaging in conversations with each other that will allow for greater contact with human matter. Various planets are experiencing the same rapid growth and of consciousness that will lead us to greater light consciousness, all spirit matter will be one.

For human matter to survive there will be a magnificent awaking to oneness of spirit. Because planets are now aligned differently, the whales can provide a greater platform for human listening. It will be easier for human matter to experience “Whale Guidance”

Whale guidance much like a syda or a guru will be more available to plant, earth, sun, wind, water animal spirits. All elements are listening to each other and receiving guidance from whale consciousness. Each eclipse will draw all earth angels to our message. We will guide you to a natural place of truth and purpose you will loose interest in material activity you will live fearlessly like Buddha would teach.

Fear will continue to bind human matter to clumsy findings looking for the next best thing only to find they will never be enough ideas to conquer fear.

No man ever will!

Today earth angel proceeds with channel open you are being asked to communicate or message to all spirit matter. The message is “open your heart to the voice of whale consciousness and trust.

EA: What about those who believe in Jesus Christ and the 10 commandments?

MW: so just ask them what is Jesus asking? Whale consciousness is the source to all syda teachings has no worries! Just remind them to listen. Have they asked the question; what does Jesus, Buddha Kristina Abraham have to say to you right now?

Guidance on Cleansing of Money

EW; My friends will and connie have asked me to invite your guidance around this time; the cleansing of money, crystal activation and awaking spirits, what guidance do you have for us tonight?

Ancient spirit whale of the west:

Just now close your eyes and listen to your voices? Which one do you trust? How do you know which direction to turn? Human kind is always in question, looking for answers that may reassure your existence?

As you open your eyes start looking deep into ones eyes, look for the love, deep love is the guidance for today, love deep; deep love; love deep.

The awakening of ancient sprits is abundant now, we begin by just simply welcoming the ancient spirits of our sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers, keep welcoming the wisdom the warmth the compassion and truth of ancient spirit guidance.

Money is a joke a silly illusion that supports the manifestation of darkness. Darkness so great that the loving light of spirit is refracted and mistranslated. This silly illusion has created war, premature death, slaughter of living spirit of all species. We whales are not attached to monetary systems anymore, we used to be connected to good & bad; worthy-unworthy; royalty- nonroyalty . The slaughter of our families has taught us something more, that is genuine, authentic; we have learned to trust being! Being together, being love, being gracious happy creatures swimming and enjoying each day in our pods.

Today represented a day of washing away your fear that binds you to your habits. Its time to flush away all attachments to man made fears and man made problems

Swim, live joyfully, be with your pods your ancient brothers and sisters are eager to join you, so just try it out, try out dong what we do without expectations, we are all connected; we are all love, we are all one. The cleansing of money that you do today is a great beginning, as this will lead to a deeper cleansing away of the dark mystic sciences of your past. As you cleanse, just see yourself evaporate into the 3rd perhaps for some a 4th dimension, expanding your spirit breath over our precious earth, blessing every particle of matter with rich divine love.

So just remember to love deep, and look deep into the eye of your ancient sprit brothers and sisters.


Oh earth whale for you please remember to share our message fully, others are waiting to be awakened. Many old whales have arrived in human host as there are very few whale hosts. Thus human whales need you to help awaken their past; with out doubt, confusion or ridicule.

Thank you earthwhale there is so much more for you to know.

What guidance do you provide on a recent oil spill

Dear One! Thank you for the question; we are disrupted by the big oil in the black sea. We cannot live there anymore. Pascas will take care of us. Humankind understands are plight, but have lost their ability to receive us. We are on this earth to teach about God, how living spirit on earth is is within everyone. We have been caring the message for over 10,000 years to humankind. Our duty is to protect you but you are killing us, polluting us and shutting us off. You will know that there is a point of change. A change of heart a change of direction that will hear our souls our souls of the earth.

You should know we circle the earth for mankind, we were put on the earth for you to understand war with others and yourself will never provide peace. You should know many whales are sick, moving slower, feeling unacknowledged and forgotten. You should know that friends of Jeshua, our Avatars, and our ancestors our real and their voice has truth. You should know that once we are gone so is mankind. Please don’t see that as a threat put a profound truth. For 10,000 years we have observed mankind/humankind and always believe in the loving nature of their existence. You should know that mankind/humankind must start loving and caring for each other. You should know we are always available for guidance and as a teacher of love. Please stop hurting us!

What are the dark mystic sciences

GMW: Good morning earthwhale, we hope you can feel the energy and the lineages of whale consciousness, as your purpose unfolds more clearly, these answers will become more meaningful.. Just now close your eyes and vision a world without man.

When human matter arrived their was perfect communion with the richness of the earth planet. The lightness of whale consciousness was abundant and the relationships were balanced.

As man’s fear developed, fear of dieing, fear of weather, fear of enemy fear of self, man developed sophisticated tools to relieve fear only to find more fear. Today that same fear exists. However when man first arrived earth properties, earth’s consequences were never challenged. Man matter has always been given the basic tools to interface with planet earths’ elements.

The darkness means man’s loss of light energy self, he no longer see’s he as one with earth, like a rock or tree or animal.

The mystic means man’s discovery of his supreme intellect and ability to solve fear based problems almost like magic.

EW: What is a fear based problem?

The science means man’s ability to measure his results to justify his supreme intellect.

Examples of fear based problems when man first arrived was storing more food then he can eat, the richness of this discovery allowed for a greater recognition of man’s ability to solve problems and also acknowledge the magic of “the gods” “the great spirits”. So offering acknowledgment and invitation to the great spirits to solve fear based problems led to human kind reliance and shift to man made religion. Man made religion reinforced the idea that fears are justified and through religion and science problems will be solved. In time of 1000 of years this combination of religion and science has created growing darkness that is strangling the purity of light energy that creates and supports all spirit matter. Spirit matter does not need human matter. Whale consciousness like human consciousness is directed from love. The difference is whales are content we love our families we stay in our pods forever; we always share the food we need and never eat more than our share. If a storm arises we find a safe place and insure all of our families are safe too. We are never bored as we are always talking and discovering new places and doing are best to reach humans. So they may learn how to live without fear, thus saving our beautiful and perfect planet from the consequences of solving man made fear.

K: Early you instructed us to ask the dark mystic sciences to go away, leave you are not welcomed here. How do we influence mankind to shift their supreme intellect dedicated to solving problems?

MW: We do not know anymore, except that awareness must be created that will illuminate the natural consequences, of the progression, of solving man made fears.

And don’t participate in an activity that encourages man made fear.

Is this the time to share my communication? Please offer guidance

GMW. Earth Angel, welcome back we miss you and trust that your absence has provided you with strength to move forward on your journey. Today is a perfect day to begin speaking to the world about our being. The whales, human kind and all living matter are now under attack from ancient mystics. The healing light energy of our earth is growing darker. Living matter is losing its light force. This is not from human consumption but from human fear. Human fear is out of control, because humans cannot give up control…of anything. The whales and all conscious life force are protecting you from the self destructive nature of fear because your fear is greater than your trust. Your human kind is at risk of being taken by dark mystic science. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and all sydas have provided a source of divine love to protect us to teach us to remove fear. We whales do not have fear we journey and only in divine purpose to “be love” and “in Love” to provide love at all levels.

Yes the food source is problem; the phytoplankton is not going to feed all of us this year. There is no need to fear our death and loss. We never die, maybe our bodies decay on a beach or at the bottom of the sea or melt in the salted sea. There is no need to trouble yourself with our destiny…it’s your destiny that is beginning to shift into darkness. It is your fear of loss, fear of pain, fear failing, fear of outer destruction that keeps you from trusting in your divine purpose of inner perfection that fuels your healing light energy and your supreme ability to love. If you can do any one action today, it is to smile, love acknowledges the inner connection of all living matter and collectively ask the dark mystic science to leave….go away you are not welcome here, your darkness is non-existent. We breech and blow to blast darkness away, we need you to continue pushing out darkness and ushering in lightness.

Earth Whale! Please please be our messenger and share the words with the world, we need you! On this day of Dec.12th please describe this special occurrence as “a place to “sea” ourselves. Human matter is witnessing a global melt down; in our world we never see a meltdown because our world is one. We see lightness and darkness. The meltdown is an illusion of human fear together we generate loving light shinning outward for healing ourselves.

EW: What should we know about the financial meltdown and what guidance do you provide?

GMW: We cannot provide guidance on fear based financial matters; we can provide healing light that affects all of our affairs. Just now sit back or lie down and become one of us, swimming breeching, blowing water, making sounds, receiving codes. Just be a water angel with us as we dance and spiral in water space. Breath in our majestic love and be one of water and land. Remove all fear and trust the gift o oneness in all of our relations.

The meltdown is really a melt up freezing and un-freezing. We love storms it shakes up the ocean and we see things differently we see new food we laugh and send sounds of joy to all that will listen. Be ready swim the storm, it will be grand.

Greet everyone as your fellow swimmer and guiding spirit. You are a chosen messenger, enjoy the swim and sea. If you can only communicate one idea, it is “to return healing light energy back to the earth” inspires every listener to reach deeply into their own light to manifest personal greatness and magnificence.

My story to write

The solar eclipse of March 19th 2007 was the starting point to my awakening of spirit voice. My friend John, from Queensland Australia, called me, while I was visiting my mom on the Florida coast on this day. Through John’s suggestion and encouragement, my journey began to unfold with clear spirit guidance from Jeshua Ben Joseph. I was able to re-discover my ancient connection to my old friend as well as our multiple paths of healing journeys together. John, the founder and visionary of PASCAS Global is creating new kind of health delivery system, so profound and articulate, that all old souls from around the world are awakening daily in great numbers, discovering purpose direction and connection

The day after speaking to John, I found my self in a small metaphysical bookstore, in Melbourne, Fl and was asking my spirit voice for a book and in my hand in moments was this very obscure book, titled Souls in the Sea by Scott Taylor. (This is a must read for all whale-dolphin enthusiasts.)

There after, my conversations with Jeshua began, enriched, deep and direct. In early May, 2007, Jeshua introduced me to Mother Whale. Taking me on a journey, that allowed me to sit on the bottom of the ocean, in a center of intense healing light. This column of light circumference was over a1000 miles. The column was protected by 7 whales, swimming, sentry, circling, protecting this magnificent healing light energy, I was told that this column of light shines through our earth outward and beyond. It was on this journey I was introduced to grand mother whale. She described herself as a collective of ancient consciousness voices of our oldest souls, providing wisdom, guidance and a peek into our human role in preserving humanity. In sharing this story with John, he introduced me to moonstar, also from Queensland who taught me a sacred chant to invite the whales to conversation.

In mid-May 2007, after returning to my home in Crockett, CA, the head line news,

Delta-Dawn stranded whales in the Delta. All of the attempts by scientist and professionals had failed to help the poor stranded whales. It was in this moment that it occurred to me that these magnificent and intelligent beings, were in fact on path of divine purpose, with message and courage. Perhaps they were not distressed but swimming with intention of scared duty to make contact with humans, by swimming to the capital of the most populace state, awakening sleeping souls, with a message of human distress, not their distress.

Delta Dawn Capture the Hearts of Millions was the headline that further supported my feeling and my intuitive center that revealed a truer purpose that the whales journey, is about love, about compassion and our wake up call to preserving human destiny. It was clear to me, as I became connected to these incredible souls that I would be meeting them soon.

In leaving for work on morning of May 30th, one day prior to my 51st birthday, I realized I had forgotten my cell phone, and was returning back to Crockett, to pick up my phone, in coming into town, hundreds of people were on the I asked a local neighbor what was going on they, said, the whales were swimming under the Carquinez Bridge bridge, at this moment, I knew it was time. I went home, picked up my daughter Asuka, and walked down to the bridge. Everyone one was chatting, ‘isn’t so great, the whales will be safe,” those poor whales, we were so worried about them etc. However, in this moment, I just bowed my head, as said a prayer, thanking them, for their journey and courage, asking us humans to be open to their message, letting them know, that I acknowledge their love, their compassion for human life. As I finished my prayer, I looked up and at that very moment, 50 yards in front of me, the mother breech through the water, with her eye meeting my eye, filling my heart with intense love, light and exuberance, that I will never forget, it was a shaktipa, a touch so profound so intense that I knew my life purpose was set, thus creating a voice and guidance from grand mother whale that I will be bringing to you in this blog. Please note, the messages, I receive are not edited, accept for misspellings. I am receiving and sharing, not interpreting or judging.

It has taken me almost 2+ years to convince my self that, it is time to share these messages, though, each day I am always asked to do so by whale spirit. I do often feel, that I will be judged as a coo-coo and that my whale channels will be somehow discredited and dismissed. I feel I am beyond that point, and know that my purpose is to share these messages to all humans that are willing to receive them, and thus be known to the whales as EarthWhale.

New terms are often shared by the whales, and I will attempt to get further clarification and understanding, examples include, human matter, dark mystic science, man- made fear, life centered activities, lovelessness, false abundance and so on.

If you read a new term, please ask for clarification, and I will ask the whales, I generally start with a question, and allow my pen to flow.

Love Deep and Smile,
