Monday, October 31, 2011

When feeling Undeserving and Living In Fear

In moments of feeling fear and undeserving, it is time to change your motion, once you live in the energy field of the LoveWave, and the mystery of spirit, you will no longer hold on to fear as a sustaining quality. Today, look deeply into nature, see all the motion, go somewhere that you haven't been in awhile, breath the air deeply and absorb the connections your body has with other matter. Drink deeply, the waters, the citrus, the minerals that remind you that you are a water mammal able and capable of amazing feats. Love deeply and move deeply inside your own soul. See you soul as an ancient road map with thousands of buried treasures. Approach all problems with ease-fullness and you will resolve the entanglements that appears to be trapping your ability to live a free loving life. Dive deeply into the LoveWave and trust the council of whales to guide you through the other side.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Love Wave

EW: Good morning Grandmother Whale, the whale council feels so alive in my heart and understand I must write and tell stories. Today I feel a renewal of energy, awakening from this deep slumber of numbness. I feel so blessed to be in reach of your voice and guidance and do not want to jeopardize your gifts to me. Today I would like your guidance on the the Love Wave.

Dearest earthwhale, we see you and the struggles of the environment you have overcome and how challenging it is to move through the economic maze of greed, your desire to care and provide for others and the grace of just being. How is this achieved without fear, without ego, without control of outcome? Within this challenge is the Love Wave, the elastic vibrations that support all living matter in earthly space and ultra space. The Love Wave, is just the natural motion you already know. We learn the movement at conception, a free dance movement that allows the new being to form, by receiving and sending love. Re-birthing has often been associated with remembering the origin of the Love Wave. But what we speak about is different.
The Love Wave is a combination of internal and external- inner-outer communal that supports and extends love vibrations to all living matter everywhere. This often occurs at a higher level of awareness, or what you may understand as telepathic. Whales only understand telepathic love vibrations now. This is why we don't feel revenge or outrage when being hunted by humans. We also know what this is when we are the hunters. Understanding this simple idea, that we are love when we hunt we are love when we are hunted creates a vast vortex of continued love. It is the space-time connection between the two polar ends that allow balance and and harmony.

The interruption of this harmony has created a wobble, the wobble disrupts the love wave and creates problems that human kind feel compelled to solve with science which in turn creates more wobbles, (fear).

To re-harmonize, just adopt a love wave to teach telepathic connection and to accept birth and death without fear or anxiety.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What new forms of motion do human kind need to learn?

This channel came in on 10-8-11 Bolinas CA after 6 months

Earthwhale, thank you for writing, your voice and listening, the essence of your human space is very special, we are dancing with joy at your return. We are so happy you are safe and ready for our gifts too you.

Earthwhale, since we spoke to you in May, much has changed and continues to change at very rapid speeds. The speed is invisible to you and cannot be calculated. The change of motion we refer to is about seeing our world from our perceptions. We see your world of human habitation as controlled and defined by man made science. In response, your current motion is predefined and predictable. The fear that alters your motion is predictable, the solution to your many man made problems are predictable. Now, you as human matter are engaging in a motion of self destruction. This of course is certain of all humans that embrace fear based science in order to seek predictable outcomes.

This motion is not aligned with natural motion. Natural motion is always fluid, like the clouds, like a tree blowing in the wind, water currents and air currents. Our young infants always have connection to the natural rhythm of their space. Our young whales are taught to just go... with the flow... the leaders are always holding container, so younger whales do not meet a premature death, but even in the event of premature death we honor the pure loving essence of natural motion.

Human matter in now entering a time of major change as outside (alien) influence is becoming more visible, most will not be able comprehend the results of this influence as different language, different needs, different patterns to survive will emerge. Pod strength will develop and find new motion in love waves.

Love waves will teach all who are willing to listen, a new natural motion, to be presently in love with all earthly matter.

Radiation and Other Alien Beings

Everything is connected. The whale council is not clear if the Japan radiation leak into the atmosphere was intended at this period of time or just another extreme consequence to man-made science. Our council of whales has been wondering about this, of course in our way of being it doesn't really matter, but it could have significant effects to your motion patterns.

Living Beings from other planets have always been very interested in earthly space, but as mentioned before the fierce loving energy of Gia, has surprised observers to the effect that no real out side observer has control. The codes and seeds that the whales brought to your earthly sphere have been free of radiation of on a mass scale, the council of whales believes that this maybe why Gia has been so abundant and blissful allowing all living matter to unfold naturally without control.

Radiation integrated into the code becomes a pathway for manipulation. Thus the abundant gases of radiation in Japan may have been released with the intention, to dissolve our love of oneness, in order to insert control by other planet beings.

EW: If we are born as a child of God of perfect love, is this possible?

GMW: you and those you touch, realize the importance of our message and being our Hawk, our messenger to all who are willing to listen.

You are correct,, it is not possible in pure form to destroy our love of oneness. But again it is very important to realize that throughout time man made fear takes you further away from perfect love. Most human matter is taught to fear not love. So it will be easy for fear to prevail with massive radiation gases. Just as many our feeling right now, wandering how to protect your pods and all living things. What will change is motion patterns, you will need to learn new forms of motion.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Guidance on Radiation from Japan

Gracious earthwhale please keep writing and asking questions, there is so much to say. We are happy to know your pod is together now, the turbulence in our energy field has caused separation and loss among all living matter, the channels of connection are different, thus why your voice is so important. Our connection with you has been measured for over 500,000 years. We will always be able to connect to you and others like you. Your family pod is sacred, when ever they are instructed from their internal voice is is always best to listen and follow instructions.

The earth is now going through a major adjustment to counter act man made chemicals. The man made chemicals have not altered the ancient gases that sustain earthly space and the thus all living matter.

The preparation that will be required for your family to feel safe is not necessarily required. What is important for life continuation with in the boundaries of earthly space, is a collective love and willingness to stop all chemical usage, otherwise nothing will change and earthly space will become a dead sphere. Dead sphere's are not bad, but the longer the abuse the longer the death, most dead spheres have the ability to repair themselves, but this will take several billion years.

Still the magic of the codes that create life and sustain living matter will be stored away, this is our job, this is why we exist, to ensure survival of all living matter of universal space.

As radiation of the water accumulates, more external activity from other planets will increase. Radiation, in most forms is not bad or all that harmful for living a loving life. The illnesses described from radiation can create death, but that is OK. As the loving spirit of the soul is easily integrated into our conclave. When visitors from other planets begin discovering the abundance of radioactive gases, word will travel very fast.

This is because these new/old gases com bust so differently and help the continuation of other living matter not known to earthly space.

EarthWhale: Isn't radiation man made?

Radiation is a form of natural gas and is not man-made. Man has manipulated the compounds and thinks he has mastery, and man's greed and his need for more has shaped fear based minds into believing radiation is man made. But some things are best suited for the earth, if left alone. Black fluid matter found deep inside your water sphere is another example of how man made science and greed manipulate human matter to accept this black matter as a source of human good.