Sunday, November 22, 2015

Lighting Up One's Path to Love and Happiness

Guidance to Illuminating Your Path to Love and Happiness.

Grandmother Whale:

EarthWhale please keep writing your voice is being asked to glow.
Your path is always lit however, the clouds of fear question the level of light creating self-doubt and hesitation. To move down your path simply ask your guides for more light....what do you see?
Only you can change your direction, it will not be an external force but an internal power that creates love and happiness. A lit path provides momentum and brightness and is controlled only by you.
As a healer and guide you can also assist others to shape shift their direction down a lit path. This is your purpose you know this, but continue to doubt you're innate purpose since being in the form of human matter during this life's cycle.
Allow the bright path to embrace you.
Trust your next steps, there is nothing to lose but attachments that are blinded by fear-based constructs designed to control your behavior and thoughts.
Now you will benefit from continued fasting and nesting into an elevated conclave. I can show you but cannot take you. By eliminating your fear and your perceived control over existing man-made constructs you will find happiness and love.

Grandmother Whale
Channeled through EarthWhale 11/6/15 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fitting In

Fitting in

Grandmother whale can you provide guidance on how to fit in to a work or social situation.

Grandmother whale please keep writing and sharing the guidance of grandmother whale.

Human matter since their first breath on our water sphere has engaged with purpose and meaning as human matter evolved to current stage of development man-made fears and man-made science has defined purpose in most situations.

For younger souls money glamour, and new technology advancement become a very seductive attraction that distorts fundamental life purpose and thus distortions about creating a meaningful life occur and the real purposes are forgotten; human matter's ability to adapt to man-made fears science and religion also lead to failing to remember life's basic purpose and mission which is to love and be loved.

Older souls that are awake or awakening soon realize that that seductive attractions to material comforts are limiting our potential to live with limitless love and bliss.

The soul is ageless and timeless Human matter that hosts the soul is not. Thus the awareness of our host death creates a false belief about success purpose and meaning. Old souls often realize this and can separate man-made success purpose meaning from deep love that connects all living pulses.

Older souls who have achieved monetary wealth and have all the material goods desired, find it easier to live on the love wave and that's find challenges to fitting into man-made constructs, generally the souls find their way to fitting in by becoming a teacher or healer.

Older souls that have not experienced desired material wealth are often confused and experience frustration and hopelessness. It is almost impossible for all souls living today to disconnect from material desires as the brains have been manipulated through dark science to believe happiness purpose and meaning can only be achieved by college degrees, high paying jobs, New cars and financial freedom etc.

With purpose the cetacean species lives without material attachment. We teach joy and love through freedom of motion, free thought,  telepathic communications and loving connections.

Fitting is a man-made concept that has no relationship to true life meaning and purpose.  It does satisfy a fear that if I don't fit in I may be lonely unworthy and a deadbeat.

Guidance to fitting in

1. Step into and live on the love wave, this is the elastic connection between you and all living things.

2.  understand that being in a gravitational orbit of man-made fear can be simply changed by your intention to expand to an orbit of love and trust you innate ability to adapt.

3.  Ask your spirit guides to assist with your intention of living on the love wave.


Thursday, June 11, 2015

How did the indigenous people maintained a relationship with the whales

How did the indigenous people of turtle Island maintained a relationship with the whales and dolphins and what was the social roles of those individuals who held this function?

Grandmother whale May 31, 2015
Oh gracious earthwhale please keep writing we need your voice to share with those who are listening.

Whale connections to human matter have been ever present since the whale counsel landed to our water sphere 30 million years ago. Every day old soul receptors were invited and encouraged to bring forth the ancient guidance to ensure the preservation of humanity.

Throughout our lineage our invitations were not and to this day limited to human matter. For the first 5 million years trees elephants and several species of flying matter received  guidance to prepare for the arrival of human matter.

The first human footsteps created a complete vibrational pattern that started the intentional connection between whale and human matter.

The youngest footsteps (children) were the best receptors as young matter had no fear-based barriers to distort or ignore the wisdom from the cetacean elders. Often the young footsteps were listened to and sometimes they were not.  (Just like today), however through natural aging human matter quickly learned that all living matter received important guidance for DNA survival self-awareness and telepathic connections.

As human matter continued to populate, pod like communities naturally formed to enhance social connection and to prepare for unexpected earthly shifts in the weather, water and ground.

The ground also served as a receptor to God  (a word used to describe great mysteries that forced human matter to adapt and change patterns).

The youngest members of the earth pod village provided high levels of reliability and passion and vibration, leading to movement and sound that mimicked the other members of living matter.  So through natural progression of awareness these young footsteps aged with respect full acceptance by the pod villagers and found the stories and experiences were similar between other pod villages.

Once the stories of common belief were shared. An acceptance grew to hold the receptor of guidance as a valuable sage, thus elevating certain members to a higher status. This for many million years was a sacred and very serious position that was held as a gift.  Very similar to how the mountain site is held today by human matter. These Sage people became the natural visionaries and pod leaders without social flaw.

Social flaws (a distorted view of natural leader and thus power) started occurring more rapidly with the events of significant earthly shifts and unexpected deaths.  Thus
interruptions occurred in the pod village which challenge the natural leadership progression and the value and importance of whale guidance.

All lands that hosted human matter had ready access to whale and dolphin guidance. Those that shared the wisdom were  not seem with important value. Thus exchanges of spirit guidance shifted as human  pods organized with greater value and dependence on power and force.

Hence the chief would be seen as the fierce warrior and the spirit leader would hold container for ancestor and great mystery guidance, however the value set forth by the spirit leader diminished over time.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Whale Guidance: Opening Our Hearts

Date: Sat, May 2, 2015
Question from my friend Geoffrey, 

How Do We Open our Hearts?

GrandMotherWhale: Gracious Earthwhale, please keep writing we miss your connection.
Human matter arrives to earth in different stages of evolution, without clear awareness of themselves or others, there is a common conscious awareness that all human share but there is also a deeper awareness that others may experience that is more involved.

To open your heart one must first connect to their innate intelligence and the pulse that allows that intelligence to thrive and grow.

Man made fears, greed, self absorbed thoughts are barriers to deep connection to self.

When humans are awakened on our water sphere, human matter is quickly reminded of past fears that lead to previous deaths from past lifetimes and sometimes open hearts close.

To re-open a closed heart you may  ask any spirit guide for assistance, this simple invitation will vibrate with truth, and your inner spirit will easily accept, and integrate into your conscious and unconscious awareness.

Keep the invitation present even in the event of dark are limiting thoughts, as the light of the vibration will crack open all barriers to opening your heart.

Channeled by Earthwhale  May 2 2015