Sunday, January 17, 2010

My story to write

The solar eclipse of March 19th 2007 was the starting point to my awakening of spirit voice. My friend John, from Queensland Australia, called me, while I was visiting my mom on the Florida coast on this day. Through John’s suggestion and encouragement, my journey began to unfold with clear spirit guidance from Jeshua Ben Joseph. I was able to re-discover my ancient connection to my old friend as well as our multiple paths of healing journeys together. John, the founder and visionary of PASCAS Global is creating new kind of health delivery system, so profound and articulate, that all old souls from around the world are awakening daily in great numbers, discovering purpose direction and connection

The day after speaking to John, I found my self in a small metaphysical bookstore, in Melbourne, Fl and was asking my spirit voice for a book and in my hand in moments was this very obscure book, titled Souls in the Sea by Scott Taylor. (This is a must read for all whale-dolphin enthusiasts.)

There after, my conversations with Jeshua began, enriched, deep and direct. In early May, 2007, Jeshua introduced me to Mother Whale. Taking me on a journey, that allowed me to sit on the bottom of the ocean, in a center of intense healing light. This column of light circumference was over a1000 miles. The column was protected by 7 whales, swimming, sentry, circling, protecting this magnificent healing light energy, I was told that this column of light shines through our earth outward and beyond. It was on this journey I was introduced to grand mother whale. She described herself as a collective of ancient consciousness voices of our oldest souls, providing wisdom, guidance and a peek into our human role in preserving humanity. In sharing this story with John, he introduced me to moonstar, also from Queensland who taught me a sacred chant to invite the whales to conversation.

In mid-May 2007, after returning to my home in Crockett, CA, the head line news,

Delta-Dawn stranded whales in the Delta. All of the attempts by scientist and professionals had failed to help the poor stranded whales. It was in this moment that it occurred to me that these magnificent and intelligent beings, were in fact on path of divine purpose, with message and courage. Perhaps they were not distressed but swimming with intention of scared duty to make contact with humans, by swimming to the capital of the most populace state, awakening sleeping souls, with a message of human distress, not their distress.

Delta Dawn Capture the Hearts of Millions was the headline that further supported my feeling and my intuitive center that revealed a truer purpose that the whales journey, is about love, about compassion and our wake up call to preserving human destiny. It was clear to me, as I became connected to these incredible souls that I would be meeting them soon.

In leaving for work on morning of May 30th, one day prior to my 51st birthday, I realized I had forgotten my cell phone, and was returning back to Crockett, to pick up my phone, in coming into town, hundreds of people were on the I asked a local neighbor what was going on they, said, the whales were swimming under the Carquinez Bridge bridge, at this moment, I knew it was time. I went home, picked up my daughter Asuka, and walked down to the bridge. Everyone one was chatting, ‘isn’t so great, the whales will be safe,” those poor whales, we were so worried about them etc. However, in this moment, I just bowed my head, as said a prayer, thanking them, for their journey and courage, asking us humans to be open to their message, letting them know, that I acknowledge their love, their compassion for human life. As I finished my prayer, I looked up and at that very moment, 50 yards in front of me, the mother breech through the water, with her eye meeting my eye, filling my heart with intense love, light and exuberance, that I will never forget, it was a shaktipa, a touch so profound so intense that I knew my life purpose was set, thus creating a voice and guidance from grand mother whale that I will be bringing to you in this blog. Please note, the messages, I receive are not edited, accept for misspellings. I am receiving and sharing, not interpreting or judging.

It has taken me almost 2+ years to convince my self that, it is time to share these messages, though, each day I am always asked to do so by whale spirit. I do often feel, that I will be judged as a coo-coo and that my whale channels will be somehow discredited and dismissed. I feel I am beyond that point, and know that my purpose is to share these messages to all humans that are willing to receive them, and thus be known to the whales as EarthWhale.

New terms are often shared by the whales, and I will attempt to get further clarification and understanding, examples include, human matter, dark mystic science, man- made fear, life centered activities, lovelessness, false abundance and so on.

If you read a new term, please ask for clarification, and I will ask the whales, I generally start with a question, and allow my pen to flow.

Love Deep and Smile,


1 comment:

  1. Wow I am deeply moved. I will be looking to new posts with an open heart for guidance. Bless you EarthWhale and Grandmother Whale.
