Monday, December 5, 2011

Whale guidance for this day

Today, we want you to write everywhere you can so our messages become available, it does not matter how you do this, just find a way to put this message in a form that can be shared, today we ask you to open a water portal for all spirit to flow gracefully.

The Whale council was formed millions of years back with the scared duty to preserve humanity. As your earthly space begins another shift, human matter will be challenged to modify and change up your motion. There is nothing to fear, only the challenge of living in the love wave.

1 comment:

  1. posted by my friend

    We're witnessing a global phenomenon ~ people are awakening to the fact that this earth is our home, this world is our business
    If we don't respect and take care of what's before us, what's in front of us, what surrounds us, no one will.
    In fact, someone will very likely come and try to take it away
    Check out this video and see if something resonates, if something is stirred within you.
    If so, let it occupy your mind, your thoughts, your ideas and actions.
    Wherever we are, whatever we're doing, let us enjoy this moment, let us join this movement,
    Give praise for the beauty that is and all around you, that is you and is not you and is just like you.
    Breathe in the precious air and oxygen and atmosphere and vitality and energy
    Breathe out your wish, your vision, your part, your art, your sacred heart
    Stand tall, proud, dignified, walk with purpose grace and dance with joyous abandon
    Let this very blessed crisis, this happening opportunity lead us to our true power and re-source
    Occupy your heart, your hands, your healing eyes, your unique perspective and light
    Let it inhabit and shine from this very spot on the planet to all directions, to all places and people and conditions
    Create the world you want from the mind that is constantly creating the world you have
    Say "Yes!" to your Life, precisely as it is and as it seems to be, and realize your linkage, your importance
    Be free of fear and free of anger, free of any toxic residue that is distorting your clarity
    Pray & support all those who are placing their bodies on the front lines, facing the forces of fallacy.
    Remember all above, the revolution revolves around love because the revolution is love.
