Thursday, March 4, 2010

Guidance on Death of Orca Trainer

. We do not wish to be seen as harmful or feared. Our purpose is to protect humanity and to remind human matter to smile and love deep... Like any conscious being, we do not enjoy being exhibited, controlled or contained. We swim free to be with our pods, together we generate tremendous light energy that sustains human life by circling our earth and embracing the column of light that each human requires to thrive and love. Science will never control our destiny our living spirit matter cannot be trained, it only an illusion that supports the human will to fear. Your man made fear will lead you to eternal darkness, begin to embrace the true love of all spirit matter and begin to smile and love and show caring grace to each other. No harm was meant to come to our friend, sometimes when we swim to close or to fast we loose control and loss occurs. This happens everyday in our sea. We don’t try to harm you like you have harmed us for centuries. We do not experience revenge, jealousy, rage or fear. We do not use fear as motivation to live for the future. Where as man continues to engage in Death Centered Actions in order to control outcome for tomorrow. This redundant action ignores sprit guidance, feeds ego and fear and leads toward destruction, because human matter just takes and does not return. It is in the action of returning that spirit light guidance can be experienced in a way to Life Centered Action. Human matter fears death thus operates in Death Centered Action. If the love of life was greater than the fear of death were practiced daily, a huge change, shift would occur, this is apart of our teachings to human matter.

More communication from grandmother whale go to


  1. I must say that this blog really speaks to me. I've been having recurring dreams about whales and wanted to share my experiences. Part of the time its warm, loving conversation, or general advice. Sometimes there is some playful frolicking. Most of the time however, there is an intense sexuality to the conversation, which starts to manifest itself in physical form. During these events, sometimes I am in my own body, sometimes I take the form of a whale. I have a powerful tail and my blowhole is almost an exaggerated size, sending hundreds of gallons of water gushing skywards. Often times it is just me and another whale, but other times there are multiple whales, all having their way with me. The conversation becomes very aggressive, and yet somehow after it is done I am longing for more. Of all the whales that appear to me, there is one that is most consistent. That is why I would like you to describe Grandmother Whale. I want to see if there is some link between us.

  2. I am pleased to find that there are other like-minded individuals out there. Other people who have had similar experiences to mine. My journey in the whale-song started several months ago in a dream and has continued with some regularity since then. My journeys often start the same way. I rise to consciousness caressed by the gentle cold waters flowing over my lithe body. I move smoothly through the water, my flukes powerfully propelling me forward with grace and poise. I become aware of others nearby, their song gently caressing the edges of my mind. The calmness and peace of their world brings me happiness. As we move along I can feel the changes in the water as others in my pod get closer to me. The wake from their fins streak pleasurably across my body. As they move closer the pitch and tempo of their songs increase. I soon realize that I too have joined them in song. Our music intertwines and playfully gathers intensity. The pure bliss of this moment is almost overwhelming. As we continue onwards, my perception of the environment, it's so strong I can barely stand it. The crescendo approaches, I can almost taste it.... then I wake, unfulfilled. Cold and alone in my bed.

  3. I to have dreamed..

    To the edges of existence. To the worlds never touched by light. The eternal darkness that is our shared ending. In this void of Light, I am haunted by a vision of something beyond emotion and reason. I imagine a lone object shining in defiance, Challenging the Gods themselves. It is a planet not unlike ours. Ours? what a silly notion that we claim ownership to all that we destroy. This one nomad that dares to exist in all that is absent. Completely enveloped with the shimmering beauty of silent animation. My mind is saturated with questions. I beg for understanding of this sinister entity. I have ventured beyond comprehension. A spirit in the presence of that which is all and that which is nothing. What is this place that my mind frequents? This journey I take when still. Am I meant to know something? To become something? To merely observe? In this sea of outcast thoughts, this playground of dancing entropy, One feeling resonates. First, a single drop of piercing truth, slowly building to a wave of shattering chaos.

    I have become all.

  4. Grandmother Whale, so true are your words that my soul is stirred. The earthwalkers foresake us and pollute what is our freedom. How could even the faintest glimmer be shed by my captive brethren when they are treated as less than the waterborn gods of this planet that EKRf23zul has bestowed. If not for their sheer numbers and their use of dry-land made tools we would be sure to usurp any power they lay claim whilst in our deep blue. We are vessels sent from the heavens to bless our deepest energies, from the crest of the highest waves to the deepest depths of the ocean floor.

    Do they not know that we cry in the ocean. Tears that burn us, do to our diets of marine life which feed on reprocessed fecal material pumped into our oceans from their Poop Factories.

    And they take their mobiles of the sea and watch us in much merriment. ... so heart is heavy.

    May all brethren and sistren connect your energy fizree and speak your truths....

    My pod does not play music, we make music....!

  5. thank you so much for sharing your voice with us, to me grand mother whale, comes as a very special being, a collective of old souls and perhaps lost souls finally finding a home a host a loving place that provides spirit guidance and grace and profound physical presence. In a few day I will ask grandmother whale who she is. Please ask any question, please continue to share any dreams, any guidance. As we swim together on this gracious earth our pods you and I and others are coming together.
